
Looking for ways to support victims of relationship abuse and their families? Check out some of our volunteer opportunities!

We provide clients with items to help them settle into a new home after leaving abuse.

Join us for a hands-on volunteer day! We host this every June – stay tuned for more info. about our 2024 date!

Educating the community about abuse is what prevents it from happening in the future.

Wellspring has a food pantry! Consider collecting nonperishable food items to help stock our shopping room.

Host an event on Wellspring’s behalf! The money and awareness raised will support Wellspring’s mission.

ALL of Wellspring’s programs and services are FREE. Our work is possible because of donations, thank you.

Wellspring advocates have dedicated their lives to helping victims of abuse. See how you can help!

Invite us to come speak with your book club, church group, classroom, etc. to help increase awareness.