Available during business hours
Educational Programs
To end relationship and sexual abuse, Wellspring works to foster the social change necessary to ensure relationship and sexual abuse never occur in the first place. To achieve this goal, Wellspring offers learning opportunities in area high schools and throughout the community that help people understand the dynamics of abuse and the services available; reinforce healthy relationship behaviors; build a culture of consent; and create communities that do not tolerate relationship and sexual abuse.
- Our school based programming is available for both students and/or staff on a variety of topics regarding relationship and sexual abuse.
- Our community based programming is available any group of people – fellow professionals or community members – to describe the services that we provide and to touch on what relationship and sexual abuse is as well as how to get help. This is a great opportunity to increase awareness about the prevalence of relationship and sexual abuse and to identify ways to help us achieve our mission of supporting survivors and engaging the community to end relationship and sexual abuse.
Student Activists Ending Dating Abuse (SAEDA)
Started in 2004 in Rockland County, Student Activists Ending Dating Abuse (SAEDA) is a four day leadership program that gives high school students the knowledge and tools to create social change in our community to end dating abuse. Students complete a multi-day training where they learn how to recognize dating and sexual abuse, sexism, racism, heterosexism, other forms of oppression, how these oppressions intersect, and the cultural norms that support these attitudes and behaviors. Students develop leadership skills to encourage them to become allies and activists.
A quote from one of our participants: “SAEDA helped me understand everyone’s differences and how we can be allies to people who are different from us. This program made me feel empowered to make change.”
Our next session of SAEDA will take place February 21-24, 2023. Applications are due by Monday, February 13th.
School Based Programs
Listed below are short descriptions of the programs Wellspring offers. We can present these individually or in combination — on the same day or over multiple days — to create larger presentations covering multiple areas of interest. The times provided are a guide, programs may be adjusted for different time constraints.
Relationships (40 minutes)
- Participants will be able to identify traits of healthy and unhealthy relationships. This presentation also equips participants with a definition of dating violence, as well as gives participants a basic understanding of the dynamics of dating violence. Understanding of these dynamics is reinforced with a small-group activity designed to get participants thinking about how the tactics of power and control play out in abusive relationships. Participants will be able to identify red flags of unhealthy and abusive relationships.
Consent (40 minutes)
- This presentation teaches students the definition of consent, the crucial aspects of consent, and the various ways consent can be communicated. This presentation also addresses the definitions of coercion and sexual assault. Participants will work in small groups to identify consent in scenarios and popular media examples. The presentation concludes with information on how to help someone who may have been victimized.
Bystander Intervention (40 minutes)
- This program is most often presented in combination with one or two of the programs above. We start with providing information that creates a base understanding of the dynamics of relationship or sexual abuse. Through discussion, participants will learn various ways to intervene and the steps needed for safe bystander intervention. Then, through the use of various cases of relationship and sexual abuse, participants will think critically about how they would intervene in various situations. The presentation concludes with information on how to help someone who may have been victimized.
In Their Shoes (80 minutes)
- Participants will take on the life of a teenager experiencing relationship abuse. Throughout the activity participants will have to make choices regarding that relationship. In a larger group, participants will discuss their experience and identify unhealthy or abusive behaviors they witnessed. Additionally, participants will work to identify ways to reach out and support their peers who may be experiencing relationship abuse.
*All presentations include information about Wellspring’s services.
Community Based Programs
Our community based programming is available any group of people – fellow professionals or community members – to describe the services that we provide and to touch on what relationship and sexual abuse is as well as how to get help. This is a great opportunity to increase awareness about the prevalence of relationship and sexual abuse and to identify ways to help us achieve our mission of supporting survivors and engaging the community to end relationship and sexual abuse.
Understanding Relationship and Sexual Abuse
- This discussion-based workshop is designed for fellow professionals or community members to gain a basic understanding of the prevalence of relationship and sexual abuse, how to identify if abuse is occurring, and how to support someone who may be a victim of relationship of sexual abuse. This will include detailed information about all of the services Wellspring offers.
Talking About Consent
- Talking About Consent is an hour-long program designed for parents and guardians of graduating seniors going to college on how to talk to them about consent. The program provides participants with an understanding of consent as a concept, and provides context as to why having discussions with young people about consent is crucial. Facilitators will provide information on when and how to have these discussions.
In Their Shoes
- Participants will take on the life of a teenager experiencing relationship abuse. Throughout the activity participants will have to make choices regarding that relationship. In a larger group, participants will discuss their experience and identify unhealthy or abusive behaviors they witnessed. Additionally, participants will work to identify ways to reach out and support their peers who may be experiencing relationship abuse. This program is designed for all age groups.
The Escalation Workshop
- The Escalation Workshop is a film-based discussion that opens people’s eyes to the warning signs of relationship abuse. The workshop consists of a film, Escalation, followed by a guided discussion led by a trained facilitator. The film follows a college-aged couple through the very sweet beginnings of their relationship and shows how unhealthy behaviors can escalate into abuse. After watching the film, workshop participants dive into a discussion about the film—led by trained facilitators—discussing the early warning signs of relationship abuse and what they can do if they witness or experience these warning signs.
Bystander Intervention
- This program starts by providing information that creates a base understanding of the dynamics of relationship or sexual abuse. Through discussion, participants will learn various ways to intervene and the steps needed for safe bystander intervention. Then, through the use of various cases of relationship and sexual abuse, participants will think critically about how they would intervene in various situations. The presentation concludes with information on how to help someone who may have been victimized.
Educational Events
As part of Wellspring’s commitment to supporting survivors, we facilitate events in our community aimed at educating the public about the dynamics and impact of relationship and sexual abuse.
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