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Wellspring & Workplaces Working Together
Relationship and Sexual Abuse: Impacting Businesses in Saratoga County
Wellspring & Workplaces Working Together.
This is a program designed to improve the recognition of, response to, and referral for victims of relationship and sexual abuse.
Why do we do this? Because, statistically, it is likely that one of your employees is a victim of relationship and/or sexual abuse. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States:
- Nearly 1 in 4 women (23%) and 1 in 7 men (14%) aged 18 and older have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
- Almost 75% of survivors of relationship abuse cited economic insecurity as the main reason they stayed with their abuser.
- About 1 in 3 women and nearly 1 in 6 men experienced some form of contact sexual violence during their lifetime.
- Studies show that 52% of the lifetime cost of rape is lost work productivity.
1 in 6 women and 1 in 19 men experienced stalking at some point during their lifetime. - More than 50% of stalking victims reported being stalked at work.
Relationship and sexual abuse don’t just negatively impact the victim. It has far reaching consequences, some of which impact an employer’s bottom line:
- Victims report that their work performance suffered as a result of the abuse perpetrated against them.
Many victims are forced to quit their job for their safety. - Some victims are fired from their job due to their abusers behavior.
- Perpetrators may lose their job due to crimes that they commit.
We propose to employers that we work together to improve the workplace’s response to relationship and sexual abuse. We can:
- help develop employee policies that protect both the business and the employees.
- conduct educational workshops for employees that help them identify what is relationship and sexual abuse and how to respond to suspected abuse.
- assist employees who may be experiencing relationship and sexual abuse. Our safety planning and advocacy may be the thing needed to increase their safety and, in turn, their work productivity.
- Engage employees in creating the social change necessary to end relationship and sexual abuse.
And, we do all of this for free.
We are available to meet with you to discuss ways that you can address relationship and sexual abuse and improve the safety of your workplace. This is a very flexible process and every plan is designed to meet the needs of the workplace based on its individuality. Talk to someone now about this program.
Don’t wait.
Get help now. Our services are free and confidential and available 24/7 via our hotline. Call now if you need to!