Good News:
New York Modernizes Legal Definitions of Assault to Support Survivors. Until now, many forms of nonconsensual contact could not be considered rape in New York State. On January 30th, NYS expanded the narrow definitions of assault to be inclusive of all survivors. “By modernizing New York’s rape statutes, this legislation ensures all survivors are protected from these crimes and offenders will be held fully accountable.” The change will go into effect Sept. 1st.
“Legislation (S.3161/A.3340), also known as the “Rape is Rape” bill, removes the penetration requirement from the rape statutes and also defines rape as vaginal sexual contact, oral sexual contact, and anal sexual contact. The existing statue excluded oral and anal rape from being called rape and required a higher standard for vaginal rape. By modernizing New York’s rape statutes, this legislation ensures all survivors are protected from these crimes and offenders will be held fully accountable.” – Press Release.
Read the full release here:
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