Like me, you probably wake up and have a cup of coffee to start your day. Unlike me, you may not wake up most days and start thinking about how we can end domestic violence in our community.
Well the folks at Death Wish Coffee know a thing or two about coffee beans… and they’re also really good spokespeople for how important it us for us to increase awareness. Click here to find out why their supporting Wellspring’s mission and the Purple Purse Challenge.
Wellspring is as concerned as Talia from Death Wish about the 1 in 3 teens who experience dating violence. We do extensive outreach to youth for prevention programs and also social change initiatives. If we can teach youth to recognize and take action when they notice abusive behaviors, we’re on our way to creating the social change needed to end abuse. To that end, here’s a video we produced for high school and college age youth about being advocates for change by challenging social norms. Share the video with a young adult you t know (or a parent of one).