Friends wearing purple and showing their inner strength in support of the Purple Purse Challenge |
I got to Reform Pilates a little early this morning. I’ve never done a Pilates class and wasn’t sure what to expect as I went to my first class. They graciously offered a donation class in support of our Purple Purse Challenge, so what better reason than to try Pilates? As I was sitting looking around the reception area there was a sign with motivational messages about how to make your life exciting, healthy and joyous. One line caught my eye ‘Every day do something that makes you feel uncomfortable’. OK it’s 9:45 in the morning and I’m about to ace that one, I thought.
Big smiles after class |
The class was great fun, but I had to notice that with this Challenge I’ve been spending a lot more time at my computer and not very much in plank pose. My core muscles are grateful for the reminder…and I’m grateful for the generous support of Reform Pilates.
And speaking of not shying away from things that are uncomfortable. Our friends at Look TV regularly dedicate their show to conversations about the hard social issues that affect our local communities: homelessness, mental health, poverty, heroin use among our teens… and domestic violence. They’re not sensationalizing the problems, they’re digging in and having real conversations about how we can educate ourselves and create solutions. Robin Dalton and I met yesterday with Jesse Jackson to talk about an event we’re coordinating with Northshire Bookstore to start talking about how we can end domestic violence. I’ll give you a hint.. Nicole Kidman would approve! Click here to finds out what we’re doing and why Robin and Jesse want you to be part of this.