Did you know domestic violence is the primary cause of family homelessness in Saratoga County? As the executive director of Shelters if Saratoga, Mike Finocchi knows how one bad break in life, e.g. losing a job or having a serious health issue, can launch a downward spiral. He also knows that with support people can overcome that obstacle and emerge stronger, “Supporting Wellspring assists individuals with getting on a better path in life.” Click here to listen to what he has to say about Wellspring.
Likewise JoAnne Hume encounters many individuals and families that have experienced domestic violence in her work helping people toward self sufficiency “[I’m pleased] to be able to collaborate with [Wellspring]… to eradicate relationship and sexual abuse.”
Click here to hear her talk about our collaboration efforts.
Our goal at Wellspring is not just to react to incidents of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault and help the victim, but also to raise awareness to prevent these incidents from happening in the first place. Two of the programs we use to accomplish this are “A Jury’s Dilemma” and “In Her Shoes”. In “A Jury’s Dilemma” participants are treated to a mock trial exploring a case of teenage sexual assault. During the course of the trial, the participants hear from the defendant, the complainant, their attorneys and other witnesses. They then have guided discussion to talk about the case and their opinions, learning about the realities of a Sexual Assault trial in the process. During “In Her Shoes” participants take on the roles of clients working with Wellspring, navigating the legal system, social welfare and finding out how difficult leaving a domestic violence relationship can be, If you are interested in having any of these programs put on at your school, church our community group, contact prevention@wellspringcares.org