Christianne Potts articulates a big obstacle we have to ending domestic violence, “If you haven’t seen it or heard it, you may not understand or believe it… and may not know who to turn to.” She’s right… ‘Silence hides Violence’. Click here to learn more about what we need to do to end the silence.

Click here to learn why Brian Nealon, CEO of the Wesley Community, thinks Wellspring is important to their 600 employees, “We have people who have needed Wellspring’s services… they’ve helped them to be safe and confident.”

When I heard Reverend George Stefani talking about the First Baptist Church of Saratoga’s new symbol of hope, I realized we’re on the right path. “In our church we have many symbols of hope… today we’ve added a new one.” Click here to find out what symbol is bringing them hope now.

Perhaps you can be the link to hope for someone in need… just by recognizing the signs of an abusive relationship and guiding them to support. Abuse isn’t just physical… and no one should wait until they’re in crisis or are physically assaulted to get help. Here’s some information on the various forms of abuse. Wellspring is there to support survivors and offer them options; don’t wait to call until you’re in crisis.