I’m overdue for posting a ‘Good Newsday Tuesday’ blog post, so here’s a moving story (dreadful pun intended)  to highlight the good being done in the world. When they were just starting their business (charging $20 and a pizza), the owners of Meathead Movers would drop everything and help domestic violence victims move their belongings so they could be free of abuse. Eighteen years later, and with more sophistication (they involve the local domestic violence agency to provide safety planning and support) they’re still helping families break free from abuse.

And they’re inspiring others to do the same They’ve launched #MovetoEndDV to inspire businesses to offer their services (e.g., haircuts, dog boarding, oil changes, security systems) at no cost to help domestic violence survivors. What I love about this concept is;

  •  Businesses don’t have to do special collections. They are simply providing their skills and expertise- what they do best- to someone who desperately needs this assistance
  • Domestic violence agencies can provide their client with  the donated service when it’s needed. So many nonprofits struggle with donation management. For example, we ask for a specific donation, e.g., winter boots, because we’ve had people who have needed them recently and we didn’t have them. Our generous caring community responds with loads of winter boot donations… and no one who comes to us needs winter boots for the rest of the season. But we’ve got several people who need food… or help putting gas in the car so they can get to their new job… or a cell phone because their partner purposely broke theirs.

Offering to provide a specific service when it’s needed or providing gift cards that we can give to our clients to help them through times, affords agencies the flexibility to provide help how and when it’s most needed.

People often comment to me that it must be so depressing working at an agency that assists with such traumatic issues as relationship and sexual abuse. It’s true that each day we encounter some of the worst examples of humanity. But not a day goes by that we don’t experience caring, compassion, and generosity. So we also see the very best of humanity… people giving selflessly to help others achieve a better life. So to all of you who champion our vision to end relationship and sexual abuse, thank you.