So the turkey leftovers are all gone. Hopefully between Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, you’ve gotten a start on your holiday shopping. And if you’re like me and prefer to skip the crowds, today’s the day to sit on the couch and take advantage of the Cyber Monday deals; then wait for the packages to arrive on the porch in a few days.
But before you put the list away, there’s one more important item. Don’t forget about #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving. So think about the causes you care about. While you’re making the season brighter for friends and family, you can also make an impact by supporting the nonprofit agencies dedicated to that cause. While you may not get the immediate thrill of seeing joy on someone’s face after they tear off the wrapping paper, you’ll know that you’ve made a difference.
If you’re interested in helping to address Saratoga County’s the #2 violent crime, #1 cause of family homelessness, and top cause of homicide, might I suggest a donation to Wellspring.
- $20 provides taxi fare for a domestic violence victim to get to court
- $50 helps a family with their first week of groceries as they move into a violence-free home
- $200 provides legal advocacy so a domestic violence victim can access an order of protection, and
- $500 provides 3 days of prevention programs in a local high school reducing the incidence of dating violence and sexual assault for our youth.
Click here to make a one-time or a recurring donation to Wellspring.
Whether you care about saving the manatees, bringing music to disadvantaged neighborhoods, or ending relationship and sexual abuse, thanks for caring and sharing this holiday season by supporting your favorite charity.