Volunteers are not paid —
not because they are worthless,
but because they are priceless. Erma Bombeck

Job opportunity:
Extensive training commitment
Sincere patience, compassion and resilience
You will be exposed to frequent stories of grief, despair, fear, violation and inhumanity, which you’ll use as the basis for building a path to safety, healing and transcendence.

Nights and weekends and may often involve  being awakened from deepest slumber with the expectation of being immediately ready to provide 110% caring and focused response, sometimes to someone in crisis… sometimes to someone who is just finally ready to talk.
Other tasks may involve speaking to groups of people about topics they generally prefer to avoid thinking about.

Pay Scale:
Priceless– with everything you do, you may help to save a family… or  a life.

Last year Wellspring volunteers provided 25,705 hours of service, though hotline, speakers bureau, ambassadors, general assistance and legal clinics. And that’s not counting the contributions of our board leaders.

Truly, Wellspring could not provide 24/7 services to help survivors as well as prevention and outreach to all  communities in Saratoga County without the dedication of our volunteers. And yet they never want thanks…. in fact, they often thank us for the opportunity:

I am not sure who benefits more—me or the caller.

I could be that caller or it could be my daughter or son.  


I know the time I volunteer can really impact the lives of families. This is the best part of my week!

To all our volunteers… thank you for sharing in our mission.
Together we can end relationship and sexual abuse.


The miracle is this-

the more we share, the more we have. 

Leonard Nimoy