We all talk about the weather, seemingly endlessly. Most of the time it’s  banal commentary. But today I’m reminded of two women’s stories about the weather that reflected far greater wisdom about life .

Not  too long ago I was at Saratoga Hospital with someone who was going through a very difficult time. A wise and compassionate nurse there asked her what at first seemed like an odd question for someone who was so clearly suffering, “What’s your favorite season?” The patient replied with a season that couldn’t be more different than the one we were in. The nurse said, “Over the years I’ve learned that no matter how things seem right now, the seasons always change and suddenly my favorite season comes again. We just have to hang on and soon this will seem like a distant memory.” Yes, to everything there is a season. It’s been a long winter, but it’s over.

Was it yesterday or today? That magnificent day when we shrug off our sweaters and jackets and it feels like we can finally forget winter and luxuriate in the sun’s radiant warmth. Each year on that glorious day, I remember with gratitude the words of a woman. She gave meaning to the work we do at Wellspring. So as my skin is warmed, my soul also basks in gratitude- for her words, for the staff and volunteers who are there day and night to help survivors like her, and for the hope that spring brings each year.