Take a Closer Look at Relationship Abuse
– at the Tang Museum

There are many myths surrounding Relationship Abuse – who it affects, how the abuse starts, and what forms it takes. Until we debunk these myths, relationship abuse will continue on its current course – to affect 1 in every 4 women, 1 in every 6 men, and 1 in every 3 teenagers. The first step in reducing the prevalence of abuse is increased understanding and awareness.

We invite everyone to help DVRC by helping each other. To do that every one needs to understand the many forms of abuse and their warning signs, and have the courage and skills to open a conversation with someone in need and even with someone who is abusive. Join us on June 9th at the event or visit the exhibit at the Tang Museum (runs until August 11th) to Take a Closer Look at relationship abuse.

transformer_event DVRC