This weekend I was wearing a pin I created using the new NO MORE symbol. Someone asked me about the pin and I explained the goal is to involve people everywhere in working to END domestic and sexual violence. And he said, “We need a symbol to make that happen? How can anyone possibly be in favor of domestic or sexual violence?” Good question!
The answer is not that anyone rallies in support of such violence; the answer is that through silence we tacitly condone it… and the violence continues. These are crimes that affect 1 in 4 women, 1 in 6 men and 1 in 3 teenagers. Domestic violence is the second most responded to crime in Saratoga County. It’s easy to read these numbers without really thinking about them. NO MORE’s webpage Why Should I Care puts those numbers in perspective with a call to action. Read it and you’ll look at those statistics differently. 

The Leadership Saratoga class that helped create DVRC’s outreach campaign summed up the problem very succinctly: Silence Hides Violence.
Help us end the silence… so we can end the violence. The first step is easy. Think about and give voice to why you care about the issue. Need more reasons? View NO MORE’s gallery of photos and messages from people across the country who also share a vision of ENDING domestic and sexual violence. Let’s END the silence…Let’s END the violence.
You are not alone

For more information on how NO MORE got started visit