Did you know?
21% of adults working full-time have been victims of domestic violence.
40% of these victims report being harassed at work by their abuser.
74% of perpetrators had easy access to their partner’s place of employment, and
21% of offenders contacted their victim at work in violation of an order of protection.1
Domestic violence impacts business through decreased productivity, as well as, increased absenteeism, employee turnover and health-related costs. When violence leaves the home and enters the workplace, not only the targeted employee, but coworkers and customers are also at risk.
You’ve got a busy business to run… what’s an employer to do?
Employees from the Clifton Park offices of Cengage Learning, a leader in creating instructional materials for schools and universities world-wide, saw this need and took action. They created a toolkit to help Saratoga County business owners better understand how relationship abuse impacts the workplace and developed simple tools to help business owners and supervisors increase awareness, promote workplace safety and address situations. Contact DVRC today to request your Employer Toolkit… don’t wait until your workplace experiences a crisis.
Cengage Learning has developed tools you can put to use right away to promote the safety and well-being of your employees and the health of your business so you can focus on what you do best… running your business. Call DVRC at 518-583-0280 to request your Employer Toolkit. You can make a difference!
1.Relationship Abuse: Impacting Businesses in Saratoga County, created by Cengage Learning, 2012
1.Relationship Abuse: Impacting Businesses in Saratoga County, created by Cengage Learning, 2012